C3 Configuring Blogger For Domain Name

Update April 2014:  
  • This page is getting out of date.  
  • The process is getting more complicated.
  •  Blogger now generates a long complicated verification text 'string' something like "gv-tzijfg6uvi4f6dmmwf6ftmu53utmq7s25qaq5ohiwuaafww4duhk.domainverify.googlehosted.com", which you have to add to  the "zone file" in the Godaddy setup.

{This page updated 8/13/2012}
After you change your DNS settings (Domain Name Server) with the Registrar (the "sending" end), you need to go to the "receiving end" which is Blogger, and make the following changes.


Figure 1 - This is where I "tell" Blogger to use this site for "BilltownWeb.com".

Figure 2 - This shows the actual entries used.

Figure 3 - added 8/13/2012 
This is for a different domain (added later).  It shows the Blogger screen where you configure it so it works without the "www." being typed in the address window.