Editing Steps 1

This 'Editing Steps 1' page covers simple updating of text.  Other editing operations are listed on the 'Editing Steps 2' page.

 {This editing page updated 3/24/2014}
The two big edting "NO-NO's":
  • Do NOT use Explorer for editing.    (Reason: Explorer does not seem to display the
       "pencil" icon you need to edit.)  Use Firefox or Chrome Browser.
  • Do not  use the "New Post button.     (Reason: messes up display, by pushing previous information "off the bottom" of the page.)


Preparation:  View the 1st 4 short made-by-blogger videos on the Videos Page on the support website at BilltownWeb.

A. Comments:  
  • This is the simplest procedure I have been able to come up with, for those unfamiliar with the Blogger interface.  Once you're more familiar, go ahead and use the "posts" pages and "pages" pages,
B. Browsers:
  • Do not use Internet Explorer or Safari.   Use Firefox or Chrome.  
  • Reason:  Internet Explorer seems to NOT show the little pencil at the bottom of the page.  Explorer and Safari both seem to put extra unwanted vertical SPACES into the pages.
C. Logging In:
  • (c1) Navigate to the website you want to edit (or Log in at Blogger.com)
  • (c2) Click the "Powered by Blogger" link at the very bottom of the page.
  • (c3) A login page appears.  Enter email address & password you have been assigned.
  • (c4) The "dashboard" page appears.  Click the "view blog" button towards upper right. 

D. EDITING Procedure
  • (1) Navigate to the page you want to edit.
  • (2) Scroll to the bottom of the page you  want to edit.  You should see a little "pencil" icon  near the bottom of page, on the left.  The pencil means you have privileges to edit that section (post).
  • (3) Click the "pencil.  This should open an edit window.
  • (4) Type in your changes.  (The editor works a lot like an email editor.)  
  • (5) When done editing, Click the orange "Update" button at the top center of the edit window.
  • (6) Click "view blog" button, to view the updated page.
  • If you need to make more edits, click the pencil   again, then repeat the above steps.

E. About the "pencil":  
  • If you see the "pencil" icon, that means you are logged in and have editing privileges for that page.
  • If you don't see the pencil icon, that means you're either not logged in, or else you don't have editing privileges for that blog (or maybe you ignored the request to NOT use Explorer).
F.  Warning: Do NOT use the "New Post" button.   
  • Reason:  This will screw up the page (by adding a new empty post at top, and "pushing off the bottom" the posts that were set up for you.  Just edit the EXISTING posts.



G. Note To "Authors" : You Can Edit Only 1 or 2 Pages
  • Your ID may currently has the lesser "author" privileges, which allows it to edit ONLY pages created with your ID (this may be 1 or 2 or 3 pages).
  • With this ID, you cannot do much damage, except do NOT use the "New Page" button, or this will create a new page which will show as the home page, and MESS things up.
  • If your ID has "administrative" privileges, you can edit ANY page, regardless of who created it.